When Work Is Ignoble

Labour ennobles the individual but forced labour is an affront to human dignity; even more reprehensible is child labour. The Workshop on Child Labour and Forced Labour for Stakeholders in Sabah, held on 10thApril 2019, was therefore a timely reminder of what constitutes “acceptable” and “unacceptable” according to international rules and regulations. Facilitated by ILO and SUHAKAM, the Workshop saw 18 participants, including GSB staff.  Participants were apprised of concepts, definition and indicators of forced labour, and trained to identify and assess existing or planned interventions. The full-day programme included knowledge-sharing sessions, discussions and group work on types of forced and child labour, as well as on mandates, interventions, and legal framework and policies. Staff who attended had the opportunity to identify work-related areas where they will need training, to manage challenges in the future.